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I'm 27 Years Old And My Parents Still Put Me In A Crib

I never knew it wasn't normal.
My whole life, everything has been plain and simple. Go to school, make friends, graduate, get a job, and work for a living. The idea of living on my own never really appealed to me. Why exchange a support system that was always there for me and plunge into the throngs of mediocre living conditions, bills, and loneliness? My parents were fantastic, ever since I was a child they would tuck me in and read a story. Usually, the story was a little scary, but I didn't mind. They were great at telling me stories. The way it was described to me it almost felt lifelike, like they had experienced it already. I was immersed in a universe where there was a whole world living below us. Not underground, but below floors. I know it doesn't make sense, but the way they described it made it feel so...real? At the end of the story they would kiss me on the forehead. That's when they set the crib up. I lay down as my mom gently caressed my arm and tucked in my covers as her long brown hair danced over my skin letting me know tonight everything will be safe. I didn't think I was in any danger, but at the same time I knew if there was, everything would be ok. My dad, a fairly meek and slight man, would suddenly become an army general and lift the sides of my crib up and lock them into place, before leaving the room and turning off my lights with a quick wink. There I would lay, securely locked into my bed without a care in the world. My parents insisted I keep our nightly crib habits a secret, explaining no one would understand anyway. This was life for as long as I could remember.
I had a hard time making friends. Whenever I suggested one to my mom she would always be dismissive.
"He's in all honors classes and is the nicest guy I know, his parents want us to meet!"
"Hmmm I don't think it's a good idea snuggle bunny, you don't really know anyone until you see them outside of school."
Hopelessly I would agree. When you love your parents this much what else is there to gain from friendship? This went someone...bring it up...rejection. It reached the breaking point where I felt like I was hopelessly a loser. The bullies started. When I came home one day with a bruise the size of a larger than normal fist against my left temple, my mom decided I should make a friend, but only go to their house, and never stay over.
That's when I met Peter. Peter was amazing, even though his parents were a little funny. Not funny like to tell jokes, but funny in their behavior. Whenever I laughed at their beds they would get so strange. I had no idea why! They were the ones sleeping every night without a meek and slight man securing them for their slumber. I couldn't fathom sleeping that way. Even sitting on the edge of his bed while we played video games and talked about girls, I felt an unnerving sensation as my too short for my body legs dangled off the edge interrupting the shadows being emitted from the underneath. Outside of this, it was quite a good friendship. We always laughed, had our first beer together, and occasionally got up to no good. Like all kids our age should.
The time came when I was 27 I wanted to finally invite my friend over to stay the night. Peter just got home from graduating from college after several gap years in Europe. I chose an online university as I didn't believe the beds were safe enough in the dormitories. Those narrow, long, twin sizes with looming shadows of the underneath peering out at you. So silly to not be safe.
My mom and dad fought a lot that night after I finally asked him to come. That next morning I slid down my crib and slipped out of bed. My dad was in the kitchen, weary and pale. A single cigarette still pluming in his right hand as he slouched unconscious in one of our old wooden kitchen chairs. My mom sprawled out across our threadbare sectional with more than one bottle of cheap red wine scattered beneath her. I wasn't sure why they cared so much about having one friend over. I decided to go back to my room and sleep, sleeping always helps.
Later that night during dinner, when my mom was drinking the same wine that eased her into oblivion the night before, the topic was brought up again. Solemnly, they agreed for Peter to come over. I was ecstatic. I can't believe it - a friend coming over. Not only any friend but my very best friend. I immediately got up from dinner and called him to let him know. This was going to be a great weekend. I could already smell the cheap beer and popcorn as we talked about his college life and all the girls I could have only imagined meeting.
As we lay there two days later that weekend, he on the guest bed we moved into my room for the night complete with a crib, the questions started.
"Hey, what's up with the crib man?"
Thinking to myself of all the stories I was read to as a kid I laughed and retorted, "I don't know what you mean? I don't understand how you can sleep without one. You never know what's in the underneath." I didn't actually think anything was below, but I also didn't want to give myself the chance of exposing myself to the possibility.
The night resumed as normal with a Fast and Furious sequel playing in the background at 2:00 am as we laid and talked about boobs, cars, and beer.
My parents seemed initially relieved when I left my room that morning with Peter all smiles. They sent him on his way with a homemade bagel and that was that. In the coming days I pondered our conversation about the crib. Was it really that strange? This was the first time anyone had questioned my sleeping ritual, granted it was also the first time anyone knew about it. I entered the kitchen to have dinner on a Thursday five days later. As soon as I brought it up my dad put his head in his hands and my mom coughed on her wine, spewing little red blotches all across the already stained vinyl table cloth.
My dad gathered the strength to say through a heavy sigh, "Of course it's normal. You've loved it since you were a child. Don't listen to any outsiders telling you differently. Don't make me discuss your brother."
My mom starts to sob uncontrollably and as abrupt as a siren on a quiet road. I never knew my brother, he was only six years old when it happened. They have told me after he was old enough to sleep without a crib, they bought him a brand new bed. No safe walls that could guard against the underneath. Just a plain normal twin sized frame. One morning, my mom went to surprise him with his favorite breakfast. A homemade bagel. When she entered, he was gone, as if he was never alive to begin with. The cops came after that and performed a thorough search of the house, the neighborhood, and the city. All over Facebook "Missing 6-Year-Old Boy Please Stay Alert." To the dismay of the police and to the devastation of my parents, the search was fruitless. Ever since then my parents were convinced a crib is the only thing that will keep their second son safe from the tragedy of my brother.
That night after my father fortified my slumber dungeon and winked as he simultaneously switched off the light, I knew what I wanted to do. Peter's words were ringing in my ears. "Don't use this crib, its embarrassing. I don't know how you make friends like this." I'm 27 years old - my parents obviously suffering from PTSD and illusions of caution. I wanted to be like everyone else and sleep like the friends I wish I made. All the friends that were never allowed over to expose my strange sleeping habits.
I blame Peter.
I rolled onto my side kicking off the weighted blanket that was gifted to me for my sixth birthday. I reached over and slowly clicked the release to lower the netted container that held me. At first it felt liberating. I started getting up and out of bed without worry. Walking around my room and getting back into bed without a care in the world. With a smile, I laid back in bed, tucked myself in, and tried to get some newfound sleep. It was July in New England. The heat of the summer penetrating the house despite the efforts of the five-year-old air conditioner humming in the background. I decided to do what we all do, half under the covers, half out. I stretched my left leg slowly out from under the respite of my blanket. Foot dangling over the edge of the bed. The cold started to creep up to me as my body suddenly was covered in goosebumps. The cool refreshing air lulled me into what I assumed would be a deep sleep.
I don't remember how it happened exactly. At first I slowly felt a tingle on my big toe. I decided to not acknowledge it in my semi-conscious state. Slowly, that tingle became as painful as if I was being prodded with a fire poker. My left leg was suddenly grasped by what at first I thought to be a hand but it didn't feel like one. At this point I quickly decided to open my weighted eyelids and address the situation. There it was, a mangled semblance of claw clutched around my ankle. I lurched back in shock as the grasp constricted. It felt like a snake was slowly coiling around my leg and dragging me into its den. I resisted but that didn't help. With each lurch in fear the grasp tightened more and more as I saw an arm accompany the claw. Its skin looked to be porous and burned but with the strength of a vice. I was helpless. I screamed and screamed but the wine had lured my parents into a blackness that not even my brother could wake them from. As I clutched my headboard for life I was dragged. Fingernails chipping as I grabbed anything I could. Once I was halfway off my bed I looked at my dismantled crib. I wanted more than anything for my dad to come and tuck me in. God that was nice.
The last thing I remember was seeing was a single frame on my wall consisting of just me and Peter. I wanted him to die at that moment.
My head felt like it was thundered with twenty anvils and my body felt as if I were to move it would disintegrate. I was all alone in a room, or what seemed like a room. There were four walls and a lone light source. A single pathetic candle fighting for dear life as it illuminated my new chamber. As I struggled to explore my nightmare I collapsed and relented to the sleep I wish I had gotten.
What seemed like an eternity later, I was awoken by a loud stepping thud next to my head and a familiar claw. I was brought to my feet with a strength that wasn't human. My eyes fluttered realizing the candle was gone and a torch accompanied the claw. As I got a better look at my abductor I noticed the figure had similar features to my own. My dad's meek stature, my mom's hair, and my eyes.
"WHO ARE YOU?" I shouted, with courage that was evident I didn't possess.
"You should have used your crib. Welcome to the underneath - the story you've always known."
The realization sent me into shock. I started to lose consciousness as my brother took me into his arms and whispered reassurances. Slowly I regained my stability and allowed my eyes to take a good look at someone I had always pictured. He stood about seven feet tall. One arm was replaced by what could only be described as what a nazi surgeon would be proud to call a successful experiment. The giant claw extended out from his limb while the other arm was shriveled and vestigial to the rest of his frame. His beard was unkempt and long with sullen, gaunt eyes that have seen more than any living thing should. His body had the texture of being dipped in acid and seemed frail, but the strength at which he held me said otherwise. The questions surging through my mind were rushing at such a pace where I didn't know where to begin. He could sense this and his hot stale breath wafted down to me as he started to explain.
"When someone in the underneath needs to feed, a portal will appear in the center of the world that will take you to a bed in the above. You are drawn to the portal through magic only known by the Guardian. If there are walls to the bed, we are unable to continue the hunt and must retreat. These portals only allow the briefest of moments to accomplish our mission or face a torturous doom in between the above and the underneath, trapped for eternity. After an abduction, you are now the property of whoever in the underneath took you. Finders keepers. Many times they will eat the flesh and be done - able to subsist for another year without hunger. Other times they will turn you into their slave and force the hunting onto you." My brother looked down at his limbs as he held back the wetness forming in his eyes.
I couldn't believe anything I was hearing. Portals...abductions? I shuddered to think of all the amber alerts and missing people's reports that were performed in vain. Slowly I recoiled, still in shock over the mutated body that once used to resemble my own.
"My captor was...creative to say the least. Once he took a bite from one arm to hold over his famine, that's when the operations began. My body is the product of many nights of trial and error strapped to my captor's operating table. To shed my weak human body and be transformed into his hunter. There are many spare parts to be found in the underneath. Brother, I have been here since the disappearance. Bringing you to these depths brings me great pain, but it was crucial in my escape." His voice was haggard and weary. "The bedtime story is real. I have been listening all these years when the rare chances a portal lead me to your guarded room out of all others. Our parents were attempting to protect you. They were not crazy, the assumptions were correct. I've been trapped in this hell my whole life. I couldn't believe my luck tonight when I found you exposed."
The word escape clutched to my ears. Escape? Is that even possible?
Suddenly a shrieking moan emitted from depths the torch was unable to expose.
"Quickly, we must go. They know I've brought someone from the above. They will be hunting if you do not stay with me."
Suddenly my brother was tense and aware. He grabbed me with his forcibly acquired claw and brought me into his side as he helped me sprint to a door I hadn't initially noticed. Outside of this door was a horror I didn't know to be possible. So many bodies. Remains of human beings scattered like socks left on the laundry room floor. I gasped with disgust and held back the vomit hurdling towards my throat as we ran through the spongey, fleshy debris. Eyes started appearing as the beings watched us. They all had varying forms that looked like my brother but with a persona much more sinister. Catcalls being jeered from the rubbles of halfway houses as we fled.
"New blood eh Robert? Have fun with this one." They giggled and spewed.
"Taking him to the correct chamber. I'll let you know if there are seconds." He retorted with convincing bravado.
At this point I wondered if my brother had alternate intentions of escaping as we passed others feasting on humans from the above. A small droplet of saliva fell onto my head as we moved forward. Finally, we arrived at the house. I only call it a house as it had a door and a roof, but it was not any house I would identity by the typical definition. Inside there was blood - everywhere. He seemingly forced himself to put me down but was hunched over in agony.
"I need to eat, please don't watch this."
A single tear left his sullen gaunt eyes and dropped to the wooden nail riddled floor as he bent over and picked up a piece of flesh that appeared to be fresher than the surrounding fodder. My brother bawled uncontrollably as he forced down skin and bone from someone who had just been like me. Sleeping in their bed, with no crib.
"Once I was dragged down here this was the only food available. Over the last quarter-century, I've had to eat fellow man. Usually they die during abduction and a living body is considered a delicacy amongst the underneath. Cannibalism takes on an addicting force. The self-control surrounding your escape was almost too much to bear. The smell of your flesh is more than desirable to us. This is my captor's home and my prison. We cannot stay long, this was his kill and his meal."
I sat on a patch on the ground not surrounded by wet and grisly terror. I need to help him. He's still a good person.
"What do we need to do?" I asked
"The Guardian of the underneath lives in a fortified skyscraper. That building contains the only way of escape. He founded this place eons ago, no one knows how but he was an evil man in the above who studied satanic rituals and black magic. He wanted a world where he could fulfill his needs of flesh and is immortal as far as any of us can discern. It is said the only known portal to permanently exit the underneath exists within his fortress. A safety net, if the underneath ever ceased to exist. The only way of gaining counsel with the Guardian is to bring him an offering, an alive human. I need you to follow me there and help me escape."
At this point I am completely floored. More concepts I was unable to wrap my pounding head around - cannibalism, mutant humans, the Guardian? Over the years I have stayed awake crying many nights wishing I had my brother and I am not going to let these circumstances stop me. I agreed to his terms and we set off to find the Guardian. My brother smeared me in blood as he told me for transportation I needed to appear dead to ward away cannibal robbers. He took out a knife and with a grimace cut off my left foot and right hand with skill that indicated it was not his first time embodying a butcher. The lost appendages were put into a jar that he carried with the rest of my body in a large bag.
We started out traversing the wasteland my brother has called home all these years. I was unable to control the tears as I lay inside the burlap sack, wishing I had my hand to wipe away the salty flood cascading down my cheeks. After more time than I ever have felt pass, we halted to a stop and I heard a loud knock. This was followed by a voice whom I assumed to be the Guardian.
"This better be good." His voice sounded gravelly and depraved of any empathy.
My brother reached into the jar and offered the fresh hand. This seemed to persuade the Guardian that the contents of the bag continued to be alive and let us enter. At this point I am praying for dear life that my instincts of going along were correct. After a few pleasantries, I was dropped to the floor with a loud thud as my brother started to relinquish the bag and explain his offering. I could hear the Guardian hardly contain his giddy excitement.
"Robert, you have been in the underneath for 25 years. This is the first alive human I have received by any of our denizens in longer than I can remember. What can I do to repay this debt?"
"There is no debt Guardian, my motives are strictly of gratitude for providing this world and ability to eat man as was your vision. Please accept this offering. My only request is my human form be restored to that of which I would be when I was gratefully taken from the above. My loyalty is unwavering and this form would please me. It would allow me to hunt more efficiently and provide more alive flesh from the above with a convincing human appearance during abductions."
As I lay in the sack on the floor, I peer out to observe. The Guardian seems to ponder this question. Standing over ten feet tall with a mass that could only be described as grotesque and a crown comprised of shriveled fingers and toes, he was an intimidating figure. His flesh was similar to my brother but standing with more purpose. His eyes look to have seen more than any human should have as well, but it was obvious he wanted to see more. Finally, the Guardian agrees to this and ushers my brother into the next room. At this point I stick my head out further. This was not like my brother's dungeon, it was neater. Instead of bodies on the floor, shriveled remains of bones and skin were on plaques that covered the walls. Displayed for the world to see like a taxidermist who enjoys their job a little too much. Suddenly I hear a zap and a scream. My brother emerges from the other room as if he never left the above. His body and form the same as if he grew up with a normal life, with our loving parents, friends, school, and a crib. Without warning, my brother bashes the Guardian over the head with the jar containing my leftover foot. He becomes dazed and falters. Quickly, my brother runs over and upturns my sack and spills me over the cold metallic ground.
"Now is our chance, we need to move NOW."
I sprint after him as he enters a different room. This one with a ladder. We start to climb with the deftness of a lemur and slowly emerge towards another door at the top. Suddenly, a voice emits.
A robotic voice sputtered, "Welcome to the above. Please confirm payment. One for one is the deal and they need to be real."
A sudden realization comes over me as I stared at my brother in his fully human form. A 31-year-old man who could step into his old shoes and become anyone he wanted, discovered after missing for 25 years. A hero in my town and a miracle for my parents who would glaze over the disappearance of their 27-year-old son. I could tell he was always the favorite.
Slowly, my brother turned and contorted his smile into that of which only someone from the underneath could summon.
"It's your turn brother. Don't worry, the Guardian is gentle with his dinner."
Robert grabbed my head and forced it into the dimly lit scanner next to the door as the whirring started.
"Above human confirmed as alive. Entry granted."
The kick to the chest wasn't as painful as the emotional blow of betrayal. I passed each rung of the ladder in slow motion as I hit the bottom with a loud crack of my ribs and blood gushing from where my hand used to be. The Guardian's footsteps approached. I saw my brother give a wink as he shut the door and I watched the emitting light slowly turn to a pinprick in the darkness.
What my brother didn't know was the Guardian is very clumsy. As he approached I did the only thing I could think, and out of desperation, I pressed down on where my leg used to be with my good hand and added to the pooling blood onto the floor. The slip was quick and precise. The crack of his neck was satisfying to me. I wasn't sure if my time in the underneath had already robbed my human morals, but he smelled good and I hadn't eaten in several days. I took a small bite, that's all I needed. I picked up his crown of horror and decided to do a little operation of my own to recoup my lost limbs.
I reached into my pocket and realized I still had my smartphone from the above. Obviously no internet. I started to write this story in my notes and turned it off. I thought to myself I will post onto this website once my goal is complete, if that day ever comes. I know you more than anyone will appreciate the warning of sleeping without caution, and what a powerful motive revenge can be.
I watched my brother reenter his life whenever a fateful portal was provided. My parents thrilled, only slightly concerned with my disappearance. I saw he installed a crib after the first time I was able to peer back into my old world. This crib was steel. I watched him reenter into society as my flesh addiction grew. My hatred turned into an obsession. He met a woman, they married. She insisted they buy a real bed as a grown man can't have a normal life in a crib, can he? The therapy started and slowly his trauma was addressed as an illusion of his 'kidnapper.' Robert eventually chocked it all up to childhood trauma and suppressed the world I knew better now than he ever did. I watched as they bought their plush king-sized bed. I watched as he lay in the New England heat too hot, tentatively leaving a foot off the side of the bed. Oh Robert, you know better. I laid my phone down on the floor next to his bed, their WiFi password was still the same from our childhood. I sent my story to the world as a warning when he suddenly felt a tingle on his big toe...
submitted by Lilcommentjob to nosleep [link] [comments]

MAME 0.210

MAME 0.210

It’s time for the delayed release of MAME 0.210, marking the end of May. This month, we’ve got lots of fixes for issues with supported systems, as well as some interesting additions. Newly added hand-held and tabletop games include Tronica’s Shuttle Voyage and Space Rescue, Mattel’s Computer Chess, and Parker Brothers’ Talking Baseball and Talking Football. On the arcade side, we’ve added high-level emulation of Gradius on Bubble System hardware and a prototype of the Neo Geo game Viewpoint. For this release, Jack Li has contributed an auto-fire plugin, providing additional functionality over the built-in auto-fire feature.
A number of systems have had been promoted to working, or had critical issues fixed, including the Heathkit H8, Lola 8A, COSMAC Microkit, the Soviet PC clone EC-1840, Zorba, and COMX 35. MMU issues affecting Apollo and Mac operating systems have been addressed. Other notable improvements include star field emulation in Tutankham, further progress on SGI emulation, Sega Saturn video improvements, write support for the CoCo OS-9 disk image format, and preliminary emulation for MP3 audio on Konami System 573 games.
There are lots of software list additions this month. Possibly most notable is the first dump of a Hanimex Pencil II cartridge, thanks to the team. Another batch of cleanly cracked and original Apple II software has been added, along with more ZX Spectrum +3 software, and a number of Colour Genie cassette titles.
That’s all we’ve got space for here, but there are lots more bug fixes, alternate versions of supported arcade games, and general code quality improvements. As always, you can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

Inside Boston underground Poker Part 4: Bubbles in Vegas

Previous Post:
Interlude (degen stories):
So I had arrived in Vegas, a bit lighter in the pocket thanks to Rich's thieving, but ready to grind. I had posted a month or so before on Craigslist looking for a house to rent, a bit away from the Strip so I'd have somewhere to relax. I ended up making a deal with a family that liked to leave Vegas for the summer. I'd watch their place, water their plants and lawn, and not let anyone else live there with me, they'd rent the 3br place to me for super cheap. It was out in Henderson, about 20 minutes from the Strip, and it was a nice home base for the summer.
For my 21st birthday, my mom, best friend and best friend's dad all came and met me out in Vegas, and we had a nice weekend seeing some shows and playing some low stakes pit games. Everyone went home May 31st, and June 1st I was in my first WSOP event. It was a $2k buyin, and even though I wasn't a big tournament player, I wanted to take my shot at the sponsorships and glory that would come if I managed to be the youngest ever to win an event, a seemingly unbeatable record since it was 4 days after my 21st birthday (although them added WSOP Europe events would eventually have ruined that anyways).
I started off strong, growing my stack very quickly against a weak field. If you watched TV poker back around the time of the poker boom, you probably remember Humberto Brenes, the Hispanic guy with the "CHARK" card protector who was always super loud. He was at my table for a long time during day 1 of the event, being annoying and loud as was his tradition despite the event not being televised. Even more annoying was the fact that his presence made everyone at the table play like they were on TV as well, hamming it up, taking forever to make obvious folds, and so on. I pride myself on not tilting, but when the whole table are acting like morons, it gets to me.
After dinner break, Humberto hadn't returned to his seat. He had maybe 25 big blinds at this point, so the blinds and antes were eating him up, and I had position on his stack so I was reaping much of the rewards. He eventually came back to a 10 bb stack, and I got it in with AK vs his AT to stack him and finally end the madness. There were a few other pros who came to my table, but no one who most reading this would probably remember, they were just minor names back during the poker boom.
We got to the bubble and hand for hand play, and the big stack at our table who was an older Asian pro was pushing everyone around. I had a pretty nice stack at this point, but I'll admit to not playing optimally since I at least wanted a WSOP cash to my name. After a couple of excruciating hours, the bubble burst, and they decided to just break for the day at that point since it was only a half hour or something until the day would end anyways.
I came back day 2 to a 30bb stack and something like 100 players remaining, and I was feeling like I was about to catch a heater. I ended up not seeing many hands for the first few hours, just stealing blinds from time to time, and I had about a 30bb stack still. It folded around to me on the button with about 65 players remaining, and I looked down at AK suited. Both of the blinds had 10-12bbs, so I just shoved. The big blind woke up with AA and I was suddenly under 20bbs. I had no hands until it folded around to me on the button the next rotation, and once again I looked down at AK. Blinds and antes had me at about 16bbs at this point, so I just shoved again, and wouldn't you know it, the big blind once again had AA. I headed to the cashier with a voucher for my just under $7k cash.
$5k profit wasn't bad for a day and a half of play, but I still felt gross getting coolers like that by the same guy twice in 20 minutes, but that's poker. Having only played maybe 5 hours so far for the day, I decided to take the $7k and try to run it up. I sat at $10/20nl with uncapped buyin for the whole $7k and went to work. I ended up going on a heater (why couldn't that have happened in the WSOP event instead?) and left with $18k a few hours later after stacking a few people. The game was still good when I left, but the dealers were awful. Half of them seemed like they had never dealt poker before. I guess the poker boom put a lot of strain on the WSOP in terms of finding enough dealers for the tournaments + cash games back then, and they didn't put the better dealers in the higher cash games.
I didn't play any other WSOP events that summer, once I saw how great the cash games were, I was set on playing those. They were my stronger game anyways after all. I haven't gotten a ton into my style of play back then besides saying I was tight, but this seems like a good time to explain my Vegas strategy. As I found over the summer of 2008, it was an interesting time in poker. Online pros were getting more confident in their live play, but many were still hesitant to jump into large, uncapped buyin games. They knew their 100bb poker well, but were afraid of giving off tells, and weren't nearly as confident 400bbs deep. I saw a ton of players with more pure poker still than me sitting daily in $2/5nl games that summer, trying to figure out if live tells were as big of a deal as TV poker tried to make it seem.
I on the other hand was more of a live player. I had a system to how I moved, so I never worried much about giving off tells. When in a hand against a good player, I always bet the same way, always stared at the same spot after betting, etc. Against bad players though, my style was much different. While still in Boston, I had developed my plan, and headed to the expensive department store Barneys to get my "uniform" for the summer. My uniform consisted of a $2000 Burberry suit jacket, various overpriced pastel button up shirts, many clashing and ridiculous Burberry and Gucci ties, a Gucci bucket hat, Gucci loafers, a flashy $3k Tourneau watch, and a shitty attitude.
When I say shitty attitude, I mean my intention at the table was to piss people off. In Boston, pissing people off would have been a bad idea. I was playing with the same people day in and day out, and a shitty attitude might have gotten me kicked out of a game for good. In Vegas in 2008, the place to play was the Bellagio, and a $5 tip to the guy at the podium each day when he put your name on the list, along with being friendly to the other employees there and always tipping normally, would ensure that I would never get booted from their poker room just for talking a bit of trash. And trash talk I did. If I beat a player in a pot, I'd tell them what I was going to buy with their money. "Oh wow I got you for $1200 there? I think I'll buy another Gucci shirt and tie to go out to the clubs tonight! Thanks, the ladies are going to love that!"
"Why antagonize the others players", you may ask? The answer is that honestly, I'm way too tight. I semi bluff plenty, but I rarely just come out firing with air, especially in a very deep stacked game. I was 21 and looked it, and the perception at the time was that young kids in big games were internet kids, and internet kids were always bluffing. Since I was never going to get bluffs through, I had to instead make it seem like I was bluffing often, without actually losing the money from bluffing.
This strategy worked really well that summer, and I only nearly got my ass kicked once, and it was a time I actually wasn't even being a dick! I got into a hand with this roid monster the week after my WSOP cash. I was testing out the waters at Bellagio, I was pretty confident in my abilities, especially after my nice win at the Rio $10/20 game, but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be wildly overmatched at the Bellagio, so I sat $2/5. They had a max buyin of $500 in the game at that time, and at this point I was used to mostly $5/10 $2k buyin games at Foxwoods and Andy's, so this was a small game for me. Apparently for roid monster, this was not a small game for him, because when I 3b shoved him on a QTxhh flop with my AJhh and got there vs his AQo, he flipped a shit and started trash talking my play. Obviously that's a completely standard spot to get it in for 100bbs, but roid monster was red in the face and losing his mind over it, and I guess he was a regular because the floor people and dealers were ignoring it.
So while this gorilla is screaming at me from across the table, I did what any cocky 21 year old poker kid with too much money would do in the situation, I asked him if he wanted to play a $10k heads up match. I figured if the guy was this worked up over a $1k pot, $10k must be a lot of money for him, and he'd play like shit mostly. Suddenly the guy stops trash talking my play and starts naming off people he knows who would play me for $10k heads up. According to this guy, he could call Daniel Negreanu on the phone and he'd gladly play me $10k heads up. He rattled off about 10 other names of people who would play me, but I told him "nah man, if you think I suck so bad I want to play against you!" At this point the guy looked like he was going to dive across the table and strangle me, and security came and made both of us cash out and leave for the day.
Around this time, I also met Ashley (She and I at a party). Ashley was a great girl with lots of baggage. She was 19 and had a 1 year old son. Her long term high school boyfriend had promised to marry her after the kid was born, and instead left a few days after, and on top of everything wasn't paying child support. We hit it off instantly, she had watched some poker on TV and having grown up in Vegas, always had a fascination with professional gamblers. Her family was pretty poor, and she had never been to fancy restaurants like I was taking her to. Although there were some bumps along the road (I insisted her baby not be allowed in my bed, she put the kid on the bed and he instantly threw up everywhere), we were both really into each other. She helped me de-stress after hours at the table surrounded by weirdos.
The summer fell into a pattern. I would play $10/20nl most days, I found that it was softer than the $5/10nl games where many of the online wizards were hanging out. $10/20nl at Bellagio was full of mediocre live pros who had a chip on their shoulder against "internet kids" like me, local businessmen who were aggressive but overall bad, once in awhile an online pro taking a shot, and sometimes the big named TV pros if they were having a rough day in Bobby's Room.
My work ethic wasn't great. I was making money like crazy, but I wasn't putting in as much of a grind as I should have. I had developed several really bad habits. The first was that I would often win one buyin ($4k) and leave for the day even if it was a great table. This was a habit you'll noticed I formed at Moon's game. I was always eager to lock in the good feeling of a profit, and didn't have the correct mindset of needing to be there when the game was amazing. This was most pronounced on Friday and Saturday nights, where lines of gorgeous girls were standing right outside of the Bellagio poker room waiting to get into their club at the time Bank. If I was up a buyin I'd start ordering double shots of Patron or Belvedere and then hit the club, sometimes with Ashley, sometimes without her. We weren't officially dating that summer, so I was basically just out doing whatever I wanted.
The second bad habit was that if I won let's say $7k in a session, I'd often put $5k in my pocket and try to run the other $2k up to $5k for a $10k total win for the day. Obviously I'd usually just lose the $2k, but I'd shrug it off thinking "oh well, still won $5k for the day". I'd also do the opposite if I was down for the day. If I was down $4k for the day, I'd throw $6k on a craps table to see if I could get back to even. Along the way I didn't realize how much I was losing, I'd only find that out by chance later. I thought the money would keep coming forever, that I had found my true calling in life, not realizing that when the WSOP is in town is the prime time to be putting is as many hours on the tables as humanly possible.
I also continued investing my winnings in my stock market account, and continued using margins. At this point I had made maybe $50k profit in the markets, I had done really well with a hedge strategy of buying Jetblue and shorting United Airlines. However towards the end of the summer I took a huge hit when United spiked in price one day, then fell back down. Unfortunately the price spike triggered a stop loss for me, and instantly resulted in a nearly $35k loss. This was a sign of mistakes to come for me.
As my confidence grew through crushing $10/20nl, I began taking a few shots at $25/50nl with $100 dead button ante. This was a much bigger game, with $10k minimum buyin and usually $200k on the table at the start, and up to $500k on the table as the game really got going. The way I first played $25/50nl was I was at the Wynn playing $10/20nl (I'd play there once in awhile just for a little change of scenery) and was up to $12k from my $4k buyin. Some guys were trying to get a $25/50nl $100 button ante game started, and were scouting the room. One guy in particular who was an LA cash pro came over to me and pretty much begged me to come play with them, since I could afford it with what I had on the table. I thought about it and figured it was as good of a time as any for a shot, I could pocket $2k, buy in for $10k and only really be in for $2k on the day.
The game started 5 handed, with me, the LA cash guy, a quiet Asian guy who didn't play many hands, John Duthie (creator of the European Poker Tour) and Brad Booth (known for his crazy bluffs and shenanigans on High Stakes Poker). As the game got going, a few things were clear. The LA cash guy was a huge complainer and was capable of some wild, aggressive plays, the quiet Asian guy was a standard ABC nitty type player, John Duthie was a calling station and Brad Booth was a maniac. I picked up some big hands early, and also made several well timed semi-bluffs. Every time it went to showdown, I had a good hand, so everyone was convinced I was just sun-running, but I used that image to get several big bluffs through. In true rungood fashion, I even accidentally bluffed one time when I 3b ATs from the sb vs a button open from Brad, bet out on the T high flop, 3b over his raise and he folded JJ face up, complaining how hot I was running. I thought I was 3 betting for value!
Another big hand was when the LA pro raised from UTG, I 3b from the button with JJ, he 4b me and I 5b him (we were really deep and he had been 4 betting quite a bit). The flop came A high and we ended up checking to the river, where he made a weird bet which I ended up calling. He had TT and he started ranting about how bad I am for 5 betting him preflop, how it's always the person who claims they don't want to move up stakes who gets lucky, blah blah blah.
In another big hand, I raised QJs on the button, and John Duthie smooth called from the sb. The flop came KTx rainbow and John bet out. I raised and he flat called. There was about $3k in the pot at this point, and then turn came a low blank. John checked and I bet $2000, which he quickly called. At this point, I put him on AK that he had not 3b preflop for some reason, or KQ. Like I said before, John tended to be a calling station, but I also had a reputation at the table for always having the goods, especially when I bet all 3 streets. The river came another blank and John quickly checked. I had about $12k in my stack with $7k in the pot, and I decided the only way I was winning the pot was with a shove. I shoved, he flipped over his AK and stared me down for what felt like an hour, but was more likely 3 minutes, and eventually he folded. There isn't much more of a rush than getting through a huge bluff against a rich calling station.
A notable hand that I wasn't apart of happened between Brad and the Asian guy. Brad had bought in for like $50k to cover everyone, but the Asian guy was sitting on around $20k when this hand started. The Asian guy raised and 4 bet Brad, and Brad called. The Asian guy bet out on the Q high flop, Brad raised, the Asian guy 3b, Brad 4b, the Asian guy shoved and Brad went into the tank. Brad eventually called with AQ, the Asian guy unsurprisingly had AA, and Brad lost the pot. I'm honestly not sure what Brad was thinking on that flop, the Asian guy had never even been seen semi-bluffing so far in like 4 hours of playing.
We ended up taking a break for dinner, pausing the game, and I hit the Wynn buffet with Brad and John. We spent most of the meal talking about what a whiner the LA guy was, apparently the two of them had played with him several times and he's always miserable like that. After dinner we played for a bit longer, and I took down a few more nice pots without showdown, but the game wound down a bit and I ended up cashing out for $32k plus the $2k in my pocket, for a $30k winning day overall!
Being the idiot I am though, I wasn't content with the $30k win, and headed to the Wynn craps table...
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Metal Coins for Board Games, A Compulsion - Part I

Part I: In this half of the article, I will focus on games that include metal coins and metal coins designed with a specific game in mind. In Part II I talk about other coin manufacturers, and more options for adding coins to your games
Back in 2016, I posted an article under my other username (u/Luke_Matthews) about my obsession with adding metal coins to board games, which you can read here:
Board Games and Metal Coins, An Obsession
What started as a diversion became an obsession, and since that article bloomed into a full-on compulsion. I’ve upgraded over 60 games with unique metal coins and currency, and I’d like to share the current state of this compulsion and what I’ve learned along the way. Since it’s technically an update, much of this article may be redundant, but I’m including a bunch of new coin sets and a whole slew of pretty new pictures.
You may have seen my previous posts about game upgrades, including my tutorials on replicating those upgrades. I’ve been enamored with “Deluxe” and “Collector’s” editions of games for a long time. My first exposure to a wildly over-produced special edition was the Catan Anniversary Edition, but my first experience with metal coins in a game was our copy of the SmallWorld Designer Edition. Dear god, these coins. They’re are, to this day, some of the best fake coins I’ve ever seen, and they kicked off a near-addictive obsession with adding that same delicious, clinky aesthetic to as many board games as I could.
It’s such a strange thing, because metal coinage is a purely aesthetic upgrade. They don’t change game mechanics or offer any extension to the gameplay experience. Even so, deluxe editions have proven there’s a market for aesthetic upgrades, and metal coins have grown into one of the most popular. I won’t deny it: there have been Kickstarters I’ve nearly backed solely for the metal coins. Most of the time, clearer heads prevail, but if I’m on the fence, the inclusion of metal coins will tip me over the edge.
I have fallen down the rabbit hole of adding unique, thematic coins for each individual game. This approach is not for everyone. I have the means and the inclination, and it’s a fun hobby for me. Unique metal coins are not a necessity, though! If you’re interested in adding generic coins you can keep aside and use for multiple games, I’ll talk about what sets I think are the best for that purpose at the end of this article.
For now, let’s get on with the show! GAME TITLES ARE LINKS TO PHOTOS. For a more user-friendly image browsing experience, view this post on my website or on BoardGameGeek.
NOTE: There is no way this will be an exhaustive list of all the metal coins available. I’ll talk about coins I have direct personal experience with, as well as make notes of other coins I don’t have and why I don’t have them. There will likely be a lot of coins not included here, and I encourage you to add your own experiences and pictures in the comments.


I’ve combined these two categories because, in many cases, coins included with a deluxe edition are purchasable as an add-on, and it just makes sense since those coins are designed specifically with one game in mind (which is what I mean by using the term “bespoke”).
A note on pictures: A few of these coin sets came with games I no longer own, and the coins exited my collection along with the games. Even though I took all new photographs for this article, some of those games will have photos that don’t match the look and style of the new ones, because they were taken before I sold the games.

7 Wonders

7 Wonders is a bonafide classic, a staple of modern games. It’s fitting it should have awesome bespoke metal coins, and this game actually has two completely different sets! Repos Productions makes a set, but my coins are from The Broken Token, and they do not disappoint. They’re heavy, well designed, large, and perfectly thematic.
The only problem? They’re pretty expensive. Right now, they’re available for $35 for 57 coins, which puts them over 60¢ per coin. That’s the very upper limit of what I’m willing to spend (most of the time). Still, we really wanted perfectly thematic coins, so we bought enough to fill out 7 Wonders proper and 7 Wonders Duel.
But what happens when you decide not to keep a game you’ve upgraded with metal coins? Many secondary market buyers aren’t interested in paying extra money for coins, and when they’re this thematically linked to a game, it’s hard to find somewhere to put them. It took a long time for us to find games to house these coins.
Spirit Island
Spirit Island was the first. The 1’s and 3’s are a near perfect thematic match for the game’s Energy Tokens. We threw a few of the 6’s in the mix, too, just because we had them.
But this game didn’t need enough to take all the coins…
It wasn’t until we picked up Queendomino we found a home for the rest. The coins split perfectly between the two games, and Queendomino’s theme and denominations were a great match. Yeah, the largest coins are 9’s rather than 6’s, but it hasn’t hindered our play at all.

Architects of the West Kingdom

Wow, these are nice little coins. They’re about the size of a quarter and evoke the feel of 13th or 14th century Europe, but with just a little bit of a cartoony edge, perfectly matching the graphic design of Architects. My only disappointment is they weren’t included with Architects like the metal coins from Raiders of the North Sea, but they’re still a relatively inexpensive upgrade at $15 for 50 coins. And they’re “historical Europe” enough to match the theming on a LOT of games.

Black Fleet

Opening up Black Fleet and finding metal coins inside was a genuine surprise. For such a light pick-up-and-deliver game, the components are absolutely off the charts. The included coins aren’t as chunky and heavy as some of the others in this article, but for a $30 game to have metal coins at all is a miracle. The problem, now, is Black Fleet seems to be out of stock everywhere. Second-hand copies can be picked up fairly cheap, and even if you don’t like a simple pick-up-and-deliver game, the 20ish bucks for a used copy might be worth it for the coins alone.

Brass Deluxe Edition (1st Edition)

The original Brass Deluxe from Eagle Gryphon Games wasn’t the greatest production in the world – and pales in comparison to the new versions – but it did produce some pretty solid metal coins. They’re way heavier than I expected them to be. The finish on them can be a little spotty, but for the most part they’re very nice, very generic coins.
EGG has gone on to sell them independently, marketing them for Lisboa. They’re a fantastic deal, too, at 100 coins for $30. My only gripe is the amounts of each denomination are a little strange: 40 “1”s, 60 “5”s, and 10 “10”s. It’s always a tad awkward to have way more of the middle denomination than the lower, and has resulted in me having a bunch of extra 5’s.
These coins found homes in two games:
A perfect thematic match considering the game is about 18th century British colonization of Africa.
Sure they’re not really Germanic looking, but they’re generic enough to fit pretty well with any of the ubiquitous historical-western-Europe games.
With the new editions of Brass, Roxley games developed lovely poker-chip currency they’ve dubbed “Iron Clays”. They are a fantastic design, but they’re also some of the most expensive poker chips you’ll buy. For a single box, for a single game, they’re not a terrible value, but when I’m used to poker chips costing around 5-15 cents per chip, paying 35 cents per chip is a little rough.
It’s still well within reason for metal currency – and around the price you’d pay for the Brass coins or even coins from Artana or Fantasy Coin (which I discuss later), so for me it really is just a mental block. I just need to file Iron Clays into the same basket in my brain as coins rather than chips.

Carson City

Here’s a perfect example of me flat over-spending for coins. I’ve done it three times. Every single time it’s been at The Broken Token, and every time a bespoke set for a specific game (7 Wonders and Lords of Waterdeep being the other two). The Broken Token’s Carson City coins are, frankly, amazing. They’re perfect metal representations of the cardboard chits from the game. They look nice, feel awesome, and sound great.
And they’re too damned expensive. They’re one of the few sets of coins I feel a little bit of buyer’s remorse over. At over 75¢ per coin, they’re exorbitantly priced, and no matter how much I like them, I just cannot recommend them.
But wow, I really do like them.

Century: Spice Road

The coins in Century: Spice Road are great. They’re not used for much – they’re over-produced secondary victory-point chits – but they’re an awesome addition to a beautiful game, and I’m glad they were included. They’re each between the size of a nickel and a quarter with a great design and finish. And they’re included in the cost of a relatively inexpensive game. Win/win.


I’ll admit, I don’t own a copy of Charterstone. It’s just not the type of game my wife and I would enjoy. But you’re damned right I bought a set of the metal coins, because I really, really, really like them. They’re a great option for any game with a single coin denomination. In our collection, they would go well in Alchemists, Village, Lancaster, Russian Railroads, or Ulm. In our case, though, we chose to add them to…
Villages of Valeria

Clans of Caledonia

I was a bit surprised to find a small company like Karma Games decided to make bespoke metal coins for their little-economic-Euro-that-could. The coins are fine! They’re not the best coins I’ve seen, but certainly not the worst by any measure. They’re perfectly thematic, which is great, and is one of the less expensive bespoke sets out there at roughly $29 (depending on retailer) for 70 coins.

CO2: Second Chance

They’re great! What can I say, other than I really like the coins. They’re not the heaviest coins in the world, but the different coins range in size from roughly the size of a penny to a little bigger than quarter. The finish is nice – technically a modern, “shiny” finish, but with a sort of pebbling to dampen their reflectiveness, which makes them easier to differentiate. They’re very, VERY tied to CO2 and thus not really usable outside the game, but for CO2 specifically they’re absolutely fantastic.
My only problem with them: There are 4 denominations (1, 2, 5, and 10), but only 3 colors, so the 2s and 5s are both silver, and thus a bit hard to tell apart at a distance. I think it’s a pretty major design error, making it easy to get the wrong change or pick up the wrong coin, and being suddenly ahead or behind by 3 money might be a problem for gameplay.
Since I know about it I don’t expect it to be a major issue, and otherwise these coins are fantastic.

DinosauDuelosaur Island

The “X-Treme Edition” of Dinosaur Island came with a pretty awesome set of metal coins. They’re one of the few painted sets on the market (rather than just finished), adding to the over-the-top neon 90’s theme of Dinosaur Island. They’re in roughly the same quality camp as Stonemaier’s coins for Viticulture and Scythe – which is to say they’re pretty nice.
Apparently the first edition of Dinosaur Island XE came with much thicker, heavier metal coins, and people complained. Which, honestly, baffles me. I’ve never seen them in person, but being a metal coin nut I’d love to get my hands on a set of the heavier version. If you’re one of those folks who has those coins and doesn’t like them, hit me up and I’ll trade you for the new ones.
It looks like the X-Treme Edition was a Kickstarter exclusive, which is a real shame, but there are used copies floating around.

The Flow of History Deluxified

Like many of Tasty Minstrel’s “Deluxified” games, this version was only available as a Kickstarter exclusive. And I gotta admit: I was disappointed in the metal resource tokens when I got the game in the mail, for two reasons:
One, they’re almost too tied to the game, and actually say “One Resource Token” and “1RT” on the faces of the coins. Don’t get me wrong – I’m never going to fault a company for making metal coins or tokens specifically designed only for their game just like any other component, but I always like to see coins which can be used outside their source material. Count this as a very minor gripe. It’s really not the crux of my dislike.
My main issue is they’re just way too small. At their tiny size, there is very little difference between these metal tokens and cardboard or wooden chits. Making them out of metal was, I’m sure, great for the marketing of the Deluxified edition, but basically meaningless from an aesthetic standpoint.

Lords of Waterdeep

Here’s one of my other cases of overspending. Especially at these coins’ original price. Don’t get me wrong: These are fantastic coins and, at the time, were the only coins in existence to mimic the unique shapes of the coins from Lords of Waterdeep. But when I bought them (over three years ago), they were $60 for 60 coins. Looking back, I… vomit in my mouth a little bit.
I had a ton of bias pressing me into that decision. LoW was my favorite game at the time, and arguably the game which sent me spiraling into my current gaming obsession. But spending $1 a coin for an upgrade is nuckin’ futs, and I highly suggest you don’t do it. Even now, the BT coins for LoW are $45 for 60 (or 75¢ per coin), which is still just too damned expensive, even if the coins are great.
And ESPECIALLY because Fantasy Coin makes their own set of Lords of Waterdeep coins for significantly cheaper – about $30 for a full set of 60. Still on the slightly spendy side overall, but a WAY better deal than the BT coins. Fantasy Coin can be an… interesting company to try to order from, but I’ll get into more detail in their section below.

Montana: Heritage Edition

The coins in Montana: Heritage Edition are fairly specifically themed, designed to evoke old, worn United States currency. For the old-west theme of Montana, they’re fantastic. They’re good quality coins, too, with a great weight and size. These coins are also a perfect thematic match for Great Western Trail (although I have another solution for GWT, detailed later).
Unfortunately, it seems like the only way to get these metal coins would’ve been as an add-on to the Heritage Edition on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Hopefully Big Kid Games will make them available separately at some point.

Orleans Deluxe Edition

The coins in the Orleans Deluxe edition are nice, if a little bland. They look exactly like their cardboard counterparts, but they’re just a touch light and have an odd sound to them. I know it seems super picky to complain about the sound of metal coins included with a board game, but let’s be real here: this is an entire article about metal coins for board games, so let’s not go down that rabbit hole, mmkay?

Puerto Rico

Back when I still had a copy of Puerto Rico, I really wanted the Anniversary Edition, but I wasn’t willing to spend the $300+ to get it. When we started replacing all of our coins, this was one of the first games I looked for. There are a TON of “pirate dubloon” style coins out there (even some mentioned later in this article).
I was genuinely surprised to run across a set of coins made very specifically for Puerto Rico, by a third-party. I was even more surprised by the price – only around $27 USD for 70 coins. To top it all off, I was – and still am – absolutely floored by the quality. Unfortunately, it looks like these coins are no longer available.
These are some of the largest, heaviest, nicest looking and feeling coins in my collection. They’re made of pewter, so they have a bit of a different feel and sound than most of the other coins you’ll find, but their weight and quality were absolutely worth the price.
After selling our copy of Puerto Rico, we dropped these coins into our copy of…
Champions of Midgard
They’re obviously not thematically appropriate, but the design is muddy enough for them to pass as Viking-ish, if you squint and don’t look directly at them.

Raiders of the North Sea

Oooh, boy do I like these coins. Raiders is one of my favorite worker placement games of the last few years, and thematic metal coins being included in the base game is just phenomenal. As far as I can find they’re not available on their own, but it’s fine because they’re so thematically linked to Raiders they’d have limited use outside of it. They’re really nice, though.

Roll Player

These coins sort of snuck up on me. I didn’t even know Thunderworks Games had made bespoke coins for Roll Player until I saw someone post online that they were having a big Black Friday sale last year. At half off on sale, these coins were only $12.50 for 60 coins, and that was just way too good a deal for me to pass up.
And you know what? They’re great! Deep relief, nice size, good weight, and a great, generic high-fantasy design means they’re not only awesome for Roll Player, but can go in a ton of other games. Since I don’t actually own Roll Player, my set went into my copy of…
Lords of Xidit
…and they’re perfect there!
Here’s the catch: When they’re not on sale, the coins are $25 for 60 coins, putting them at about 41¢ per coin. That’s at the top end of what I normally like to spend, and I’m not entirely sure I can recommend these coins at that price, with so many awesome options available in the 30-ish cents per coin range.
I 100% recommend them if you own Roll Player. That slight price bump is worth it for bespoke coins. For other games, though, I’d wait until they’re on sale again.


Scythe has some of the best metal coins ever made for a game. They’re an interesting thematic choice, too, with each denomination representing one of the country-factions in the game. They’re not thematic to a specific place as much as they are to the game as a whole, which makes them so thematic they’re almost generic.
Which, in truth, is kind of awesome. They’re great looking coins and could easily be used as a generic set for just about any game with the ubiquitous Europe-gone-by theme. They’re purchasable separate from Scythe, just be aware there are two denominations not available in the base set (the 2’s and 50’s). They’re only available as promo add-ons.
If you’re a completist, Stonemaier released painted versions of the 5s and 10s after some players complained they were a little hard to tell apart. I’m not a huge fan of how they look (I think Dinosaur Island is the only game where I actually like the painted coins), but they’re out there if you want ‘em.


These coins are genuinely the best thing to come out of Seafall. Wow, did Plaid Hat hit the mark with these coins. They’re good looking generic coins with a design which somehow manages to straddle just about every genre you could think of. They work with historical, fantasy, and sci-fi themes. I think they only theme they might not work so well in is a modern-day one, but even then they’re so generic they’d probably be fine.
They’re a great size, the denominations are clear, and the coloring on them is a unique sort of matte rendering of the typical copper, silver, and gold, which makes their colors and denominations really easy to distinguish from across the table. They’re a little on the light side, but that’s not a problem for a set of 100+ coins.
I don’t own Seafall, so these coins currently reside in my copy of…
Terra Mystica
…and they look absolutely beautiful there!

SmallWorld Designer Edition

I mean, what can I say about these coins I haven’t already said? They’re some of the most beautiful coins I’ve ever seen for a board game, but obviously they’re mostly unattainable. The SmallWorld DE goes for upwards of $1000, and Days of Wonder has never made these coins available outside it.
Which, to be honest, isn’t a huge deal, because they have a big ol’ “SW” on the back of every coin, so they’re pretty heavily tied to SmallWorld. They’d be a great addition to a retail copy, but I can’t imagine DoW can make them cheap.

Tokaido Collector’s Edition

These coins surprised me. They’re smaller in diameter than I expected, but they’re really thick and heavy, and such a great aesthetic addition to a game like Tokaido. They’re also available separately, and at $18 for 50 coins, they’re actually a pretty great deal. I’m not really sure how widely they can be used, since they only have a single denomination, but they’re a fantastic addition to any copy of Tokaido.


Stonemaier was one of the first companies I ever saw making metal coins available outside the deluxe version they were designed for. The Viticulture metal coins are very nice, with good weight and size and beautiful finish.
The only downside is they’re heavily thematically tied to Viticulture, with all the coins displaying a bunch of grapes and a stylized “V”. If you don’t care about your coins specifically matching a game’s theme, they’re a great deal, but I struggled to find any other use for them outside Viticulture. Until I picked up…
Vinhos Deluxe

Yokohama Deluxe

These coins are really great. Designed to mimic actual 19th century Japanese coins, these have a really nice weight and feel, and would be a fantastic addition to just about any game with a Japanese theme. Games like Tokaido, Nippon, or Yamatai would all benefit from these coins.


The games below all come with metal coins, and run the gamut of availability. I don’t have any personal experience with any of these coins, but I’ve included pictures of each. The only ones I’ve ever really wanted were the Caylus coins, not because I particularly love Caylus, but because they are a near-perfect thematic match for one of my all-time favorite games, Troyes. Alas, they’re almost impossible to get ahold of.

Belfort 10th Anniversary Edition (Upcoming, No Photo)

Caylus Deluxe Edition

Photo Courtesy Ludovic Russo. Used with permission.

Colosseum Deluxified

No photo. If you have one you’d be willing to contribute, please contact me!

Die Speicherstadt: Kaispeicher

No photo. If you have one you’d be willing to contribute, please contact me!

Dominion: Empires/Guilds/Prosperity/Seaside

Photos courtesy CLS Games, Magnus Percan, and Eric Yurko. Used with permission.

Dungeon Lords Anniversary Edition

Photo courtesy Mark O’Reilly. Used with permission.


Photo courtesy Diana Ostrat. Used with permission.

Gentes Deluxe (Upcoming, No Photo)


Photo courtesy


Photo courtesy

Near and Far

Photo courtesy Stathis Kokkinakis. Used with permission.

Puerto Rico Anniversary Edition

Photo courtesy Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro. Used with permission.


Photo courtesy Jonathan Nelson. Used with permission.

Rise to Nobility Deluxe Edition

Photo publicly posted, credit unknown. Please contact me for attribution.

Rising Sun (Kickstarter Add-On)

Photo courtesy Sebastian Alvarez. Used with permission.

The Smiths of Winterforge

Photo courtesy Instagram user @RuleAndMake. Used with permission.

Vault Wars

Photo courtesy

Xia: Legends of a Drift System

Photo courtesy
Thank you for joining me for the first part of my journey with metal coins! For more information and pretty pictures about other coin manufacturers and options for your games, check out Part II HERE.
If you want to talk about metal coins, or DIY upgrades, or board games in general, you can always find me on Twitter @PixelartMeeple, on Instagram @pixelartmeeple, on BGG at PixelartMeeple, and on my website! You can also hear my (much more succinct) thoughts on games on The Five By podcast.
Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!
submitted by PixelartMeeple to boardgames [link] [comments]

MAME 0.210

MAME 0.210

It’s time for the delayed release of MAME 0.210, marking the end of May. This month, we’ve got lots of fixes for issues with supported systems, as well as some interesting additions. Newly added hand-held and tabletop games include Tronica’s Shuttle Voyage and Space Rescue, Mattel’s Computer Chess, and Parker Brothers’ Talking Baseball and Talking Football. On the arcade side, we’ve added high-level emulation of Gradius on Bubble System hardware and a prototype of the Neo Geo game Viewpoint. For this release, Jack Li has contributed an auto-fire plugin, providing additional functionality over the built-in auto-fire feature.
A number of systems have had been promoted to working, or had critical issues fixed, including the Heathkit H8, Lola 8A, COSMAC Microkit, the Soviet PC clone EC-1840, Zorba, and COMX 35. MMU issues affecting Apollo and Mac operating systems have been addressed. Other notable improvements include star field emulation in Tutankham, further progress on SGI emulation, Sega Saturn video improvements, write support for the CoCo OS-9 disk image format, and preliminary emulation for MP3 audio on Konami System 573 games.
There are lots of software list additions this month. Possibly most notable is the first dump of a Hanimex Pencil II cartridge, thanks to the team. Another batch of cleanly cracked and original Apple II software has been added, along with more ZX Spectrum +3 software, and a number of Colour Genie cassette titles.
That’s all we’ve got space for here, but there are lots more bug fixes, alternate versions of supported arcade games, and general code quality improvements. As always, you can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

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